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Chinese Ancestral Worship In Hong Kong

-Photography Show & Lecture

Ancestral worship is the most common theme in Chinese festivals in Hong Kong. There are always traditional ancestral worship rituals in large-scale festivals such as Jiao, Yulan and Double Ninth festival. The majority of the people in HK are immigrants from the mainland. Most of them practice ancestral worship in huge crowds in large public cemeteries during Ching Ming festival. Extraordinary among immigrant groups are two clan families arrange their large-scale ancestral worship temporarily in urban football fields.

The rural family clans in New Territories practice two major ancestral worship rituals each year – one in spring and the other in autumn. The spring worship involves elaborate rites and rituals in ancestral halls. The autumn worships on the other hand are performed at graveyards which often situate in a scenic mountain spot believed to possess good fung shui. Autumn worship activities are often large-scale gatherings scheduled around Double Ninth Festival, each time involving hundreds of descendants visiting one or a few graveyards of their far ancestors.

Content Highlights

●Spring Worship of the Great Clans

●Autumn Worship of the Great Clans

●Ching Ming Festival

●Ancestral Worship in Other Festivals & Events

●Ancestral Worship in Immigrant Clans

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